What Mad Tofu is all about.
Web Design & Handcraft Designing
Fractal Art
I am an internationally recognized, award-winning fractalist under the brand Claire Jones. My works have been featured on commercial and personal websites, and my technical guides have helped thousands of people discover the wonder of fractals.
Artwork shop on Zazzle
Artwork & Design portfolio on deviantART
Cosmetics Review
I supply a much needed resource in the form of reviews of vegan beauty products for budget-conscious individuals. Additionally, some of my photos have been regrammed on Instagram by well known beauty brands.
Below are some of Mad Tofu's best design and art works.
Get in Touch
Questions? Ask here.
If you have further questions about Mad Tofu Productions, or are interested in licensing my artwork, please use the form to contact Raquela S. at Mad Tofu.